Hadith Online
2. About Hadith
3. About The Website
4. Fonts
5. Important Note
6. Sources, Numbering, and Grading
7. Miscellaneous
8. Reproduction, Copying, Scraping
The hadith collections currently available can be seen on the homepage. We are working on importing hadith from other major collections as well.
We support full search of both the English text of the hadith as well as the Arabic through a powerful search engine based on Lucene. To improve your search experience, browse through our Search Tips and Lucene’s query syntax to create custom and accurate search queries.
The Arabic text on our website is sourced from al-eman.com and hadith.al-islam.com. For the English we use various translators, a full list of which will appear here shortly inshaAllah. The English has been through two iterations of cleaning (spelling corrections etc.). We have done our best to provide the most authentic and exact hadith possible.
The reader will note differences in the numbering scheme in English and Arabic. The reason behind this is that the translator took a few liberties while translating, sometimes splitting or combining the Arabic books, and sometimes splitting or combining the hadith as well. This led to a new numbering for the English, while the numbering for the Arabic remained the same.
On sunnah.com we realize that some people will have an English reference number that has been popularized due to the translation, and some others may consult an Arabic version. Sticking with one or the other is not an option due to the numerous errors and inconsistencies (the simplest of which is splitting and combination of hadith that have to be combined and unsplit respectively).
We are moving toward unified reference numbering schemes corresponding to well-known scholars and publications (the numbering of Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baaqi is one such) slowly. You can see an example here.
If the text and numbering in a book has been checked and verified, it will display a reference number in bold. Otherwise it means it is still in progress and the Arabic references numbers may not be exact in that case.
We are working hard to add grade information for each hadith not in the Sahihain (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim). At this point we are displaying grade decisions by Shaykh al-Albani and Darussalam (Hafiz Zubair `Ali Za`i). Eventually we hope to have grade assignments from several other distinguished muhaddiths such as Shaykhs al-Arna’ut, Ahmad Shakir, and Abu Ghuddah wherever applicable.